Online Bachelor in Project Management
The Boise State Online Bachelor in Project Management prepares you to certify as a project management professional upon graduation and equips you for a successful career in a rapidly expanding industry. Prepare to become a project manager for a specific industry such as business, communications or healthcare by adding an emphasis or certificate.
Want to learn more? Connect with a student success coach and claim your free application waiver.
Application Deadlines
The Bachelor in Project Management is delivered in a convenient, 100% online format featuring seven-week courses and six start dates a year. All application materials must be received by the deadline to be considered for admission. You must apply separately for admission to Boise State University.
Program Details
Use the program detail cards to learn more about the online project management degree or find more information and important links on the project management resource site.
Need Transfer Credits?
The online Bachelor in Project Management is a degree completion program. If you are not planning to transfer credits to earn your bachelor’s degree, the pre-project management pathway from Boise State Online can help you get started.
Emphasis Areas and Certificates
Choose an optional emphasis area or certificate to add to your online project management degree.
Emphasis areas must be completed within a degree program. Certificates may be completed independently or in conjunction with a degree program.
Student Support
From application to graduation, students are supported throughout their journey at Boise State.
Among The Top In The Nation
Earning a degree from Boise State University can help open doors to opportunities and a promising future. Boise State’s online programs are specifically created for online learning, offer the same support as our traditional degree programs and are ranked in the top 11% of online bachelor’s degrees in the country by U.S. News and World Report.

Boise State Online News
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